Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I'm alive!

Yup! I'm alive and doing very well thank you! From my last post until now (and still) we've been VERY busy. But now school is over, the play is but a memory, year end testing is done, books for next year are ready, gardens are pretty much caught up and summer projects are in full swing! Our "MO beach weekend has come and gone and we've even been to our favorite Maine ocean beach this week! Lobsters are us!

I also appreciate my wonderful son changing my blog so that it is easier to read! I didn't notice if he signed the 'blog designed by: my wonderful son' like he did last time.

I should have mentioned the mystery field trip we took too. We told the girls we would be going but not where! They had to guess by watching the 'geography' pass by. We took them on a camping trip to Gettysburg, PA. It was really fun and very educational. It was Mike's idea and a wonderful close to our school year and study on the Civil War. They have some summer reading on the Victorian era and some projects of the same. We've done a lot of work on a long time dream of a rose garden. It is complete with white wicker furniture and we're planning some tea parties this summer.

Both L&A are heading to camp this year for a week. Actually L is going for 2 weeks because she has been accepted as a counselor! They would have taken her for longer but we want her to have some free time too.

Now to get Bob & Mel to update!!!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

This and That

I'm working on getting our tax stuff to the accountant so my mind is not very focused on updating but I thought I'd just post a couple items that are current in our lives.
#1. Mud season has begun
#2. Snow and ice are still here
#3. It's suppose to rain for 3 days
#4. Lianna scheduled a sledding/skating party for Saturday
#5. I need to have all my book keeping stuff cleaned up before Saturday when I have to
come up with some really creative ways to entertain youth that had planned on sledding
and skating!
#6. We're studying the Civil War
#7. How DOES Ken Burns come up with SO MUCH info and pictures about the Civil War?
#8. Why did some of us cry after watching Gettysburg? We didn't know anyone! (That
is totally tongue in cheek but we were asked that)
#9. I've only about 19.25 hours left before my ENTIRE surgery bill is paid off !!!!!!!!
#10. I have 15 Civil War era costumes to make before April 20th
#11. What am I doing wasting time posting??????

Sunday, February 11, 2007

My latest read

Last week I finished ,or should I say started and finished, reading Karen Kingsbury's recent creation, "Ever After". She has not only done it again she has REALLY done it! I takes a lot to move me to tears at the end of a book but this one had me in tears about a third of the way through all the way to the end! It is a great read.
Now that I probably broke rules posting that endorsement let me explain why I chose to post it. When a book, especially a novel, can move one not only to tears but into action I believe it is a good read. This creation caused me to dig deep and think. I already agreed with Kingsbury's take on the situation but I still could not put it out of my mind. It caused me to ask myself why I believed thus. Was I told or indoctrinated this way as a child or are my political beliefs valid?
After much thought I sought out some WWII veterans (I'm not biased against Vietnam vets, I just haven't found any to talk with yet) and asked them to have lunch with my family and share their experiences. We haven't completed all the gentlemen we want to talk with but so far it has been a very successful experience. I must say I did wonder how my 11 and 15 year olds would take to this. Would the gentlemen avoid the conversation because it would bring up to much pain or would he talk on for so long and jump from one thing to another so that we couldn't follow his line of thinking? My husband and I decided to run the risk and go for it. So far my children have been thrilled and stated that they found it very interesting and want to talk with more veterans.
This came with multiple blessings. Not only did we have a learning opportunity but also emotional, spiritual etc... We got to know this man and his wife better, we made a tie between 3 generations that I think is so important in this day and they said that we were a blessing to them too.
How does your child view the older folks in their life. Are they just cranky old people who are always telling them to be quiet in church, or to be seen but not heard? Do your children see the connection from the past and our nation's history to these people?
A couple of years ago I was priviledged to give the eulogy at my Grandmother's funeral. She was 95 when she passed into Glory. I had spent alot of my childhood in her company and knew much about her childhood. What amazed me as I was putting my facts together and in order for this was what she had seen in her years. She had talked about courting in a horse and buggy! Her Mom died when she was 11 and she and one sister were alone during the winter and chipping cranberries out of the ice to survive on. They didn't have a phone etc.. and couldn't get out to get help. When she passed away many of the family corresponded by email and then traveled great distances to the funeral service in very comfy automobiles. Quite a span there isn't it?
Our wonderful Lord has provided us with "Free" living curriculum in our grandparents and other elderly folks around us. Don't let this opportunity go to waste. You can be a blessing a receive many blessings! Ever notice how the Lord does that?
When you read "Ever After" make sure you have a whole box of tissues with you. It won't read like you normally expect it. Even though it is a book you will say, "Oh, how could Kingsbury do this to me?"

Monday, January 15, 2007

December !

My son has made some remarks about the need for me to update. This is true but my problem has been -- WHEN? ! During December there was work, homeschooling, Friday night teen class, finishing fulfilling the Christmas list either by shop or make, we also attended a production of Charles Dickens, "A Christmas Carol" (2 hours away), "The Nutcracker" (1 hour), caroling, decorating, baking 10 different types of cookies for gifts, recording a CD of the girls, attending a Christmas Card contest awards night (Annie this year) and preparing for a whirlwind week of company/family not to mention the regular housework, music lessons, etc.... So WHEN, wonderful son did I have time?
We did have a wonderful month though making special time recognizing our Savior's birth. Our church had a 'lessons and carols' service Christmas eve that was beautiful.
The Saturday before arrived with Mike's sisters picking up Bobby and Sarah at the airport and descending here. From that point on things got a little crazy. It was a delightful weekend with all here and then the rest of the week with Bob and Sarah.
We celebrated Christmas with C&L on Sunday, first by all of us attending morning church together and then with our tree in the afternoon and started a new tradition of homemade gifts. It was fun to see what everyone came up with. Sarah is very gifted in beading/jewelry making and later that week found us checking out sales on bead supplies which in turn became an addiction for the girls especially! Melissa made fleece blankets and framed poems. Cookies, candles, snack-mix, firestarters, and personalized boxes were all present too. Bobby showed off some of his carpentry skills by making Mike a frame. I think he had to do something 'carpentry' to rationalize his recent shopping trip to the tool outlet sale!
Monday found C&L traveling home and the rest of us celebrating again. Mel had to work in the morning so we got a late start but I was very pleased to see everyone just wanting to be together and interacting rather than being impatient for the material part of the day.
Annie had saved wrapping paper tubes and other weapons of "Bobby destruction" and fencing became the new sport! I think the girls gave him a run for his money this year, they've grown up quite a bit.
Bobby had made a comment to me recently about not being able to make me a Grandma until he had a drawer full of Red Sox and Patriots onesies so I HAD to start that collection. Mike warned me not to go to extremes or to put pressure on them. Then HE bought them a homemade wooden firetruck!!!!!!! That's not only saying "baby" but "Boy" too!
We had lots of chuckles throughout the week. I kept busy cooking, cleaning, harrassing, making jerky etc while they were all here. I didn't want it to end but did need a rest!
We had a slippery trip to Portland to meet some friends there who were going to transport Bob&Sarah from there to Boston to the airport. It was nice to see them also if only for a very short lunch.
I thought January would quiet down but here it is the 15th and we've already been to another dramatic production, have a field trip planned, Annie had a brace/bracket break and I have to head to Portland this week to fix it and.... and.... and......
I NEED A VACATION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Taking time out to watch the Patriots play last night was NOT relaxing! I hate games like that, it's not good for my stress level! I was glad they won until I realized that next week will probably be a repeat performance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!