Monday, October 30, 2006

Thanksgiving Day Memories

Today my WONDERFUL Son and I got to chatting, laughing and bantering over an incident that happened years ago. He mentioned it in his recent blog entry and I commented that I needed equal time if he were to explain HIS side of the story. He suggested that I write an entry with the story from MY perspective and add other Thanksgiving Day memories. I guess that means that if you think this entry is lame you can visit his blog and tell him so OR you can comment on mine and I'll make sure he reads it!! Either way, he says I need to update my blog!
You know that time in life when, most likely, you are a fairly new wife and even newer Mom and for some reason you find yourself at home with just your WONDERFUL hubby ( now you know where my son gets it) and CHARMING children for the first time for a major holiday? For us I believe it was Thanksgiving. Now I LOVE to cook for others, it is very satisfying to me to see happy, contented faces enjoying fun, food and fellowship. I also am very sentimental. If someone I love or loved enjoyed a certain dish even if they're now deceased I'll still make it -- to remember them by.
So here I was at home making my first Thanksgiving dinner all by myself for my WONDERFUL family of 4. (at the time). I had the 20 lb turkey stuffed and roasting. Potatoes, squash, turnip, onions, peas and sweet potatoes were all cooking. The cranberry sauce, pickles, olives, home-made breads and mulled cider were all on the table. The pumpkin, squash, lemon merignue, mincemeat, cranberry, apple, blueberry, and crumb top apple pies were sitting on the counter next to the Indian pudding, grapenut pudding, bread pudding and cracker pudding. I had the table set with my very best china. I had the festive music playing and some cutesy place decorations set out. I mashed the potatoes, squash etc... and put everything on the table.
It was time. I called my precious family to the table. We all sat and put our matching cloth napkins in our laps. My husband prayed and told us that after we ate he wanted us to list things we were truly thankful for. (After the meal so it wouldn't get cold -- I was thankful for that!)
It was at that moment my WONDERFUL SON looks around at all the food and says, "If it's all the same to you could I have cheerios?"!
Now tell me, how would YOU react????? How would your WONDERFUL HUSBAND react???

I think I'll add more Thanksgiving memories between now and Thanksgiving.
I'll also be watching YOUR blog for your special memories.


Blogger Bobby Wales said...

I just realized, I have never heard Dad tell this story. Was anyone else in the vicinity when I said that? I think I'll have to have someone else verify your story. It's possible you may have concocted that story to guilt-trip me in to eating your pea soup.

And hey . . . Cheerios are stinking good! I would take a Thanksgiving meal from Mom anytime over Cheerios now though. I have definately come a long ways from that time (if it truly happened).

Love you!!

6:30 PM  
Blogger melbell said...

Bobby I know that you think mom belongs in a mental instution but I was there and I remrmber this story as well. I also remember mom guilt tripping us to eat the pea soup, so maybe you aare loosing your memory as well as your hair. ;)

12:58 PM  

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