Thursday, August 17, 2006

Christmas in August !!!!

Its August here in Maine, late-ah August that is. This means the nights are cooler and there is a definite snap in the air. Sadly the leaves are turning and some even falling! It puts me in such a melancholy mood, sometimes even sad. Fall has always been a season of goodbyes and changes. Whether it be when I was a child and had to say goodbye to the scouts, wondering which if any would be back the following year, bye to all our friends and family heading for southern destinations, leaving our summer place to ---- aaggghhh--- start prison, oops, school. Sorry but that's how we saw it. I mean who would want to leave the leisure and pleasure of a summer camp that was both relaxing and a blast? I was able to 'find myself' there each year and didn't want to lose myself again. It was more than that really but that isn't what this entry is about.
I am in the melancholy state of mind and although I've been thinking about and doing something about Christmas for the past week and a half, yesterday I received my first Christmas gift! Two plane tickets! Where to you ask? HERE !! These tickets aren't for me to travel, its better than that! They are for my wonderful son and daughter in law to come home for a week at Christmas!! Due to life it has been a while since they have both been here, in fact, she was visiting us before they were married. I have been praying about a simpler type Christmas and having my whole family around is perfect ! All of us here in this house were just a 'little' excited last night , except for Saffy the cat ! I may have to find Saffy a different lodging for a couple weeks. I don't think Gomer will bother Bobby's allergies but Saffy has such a different type of coat and he sheds ssooooooooo much that I'm worried. Something to pray about.
"L" worked with her dad yesterday and called home when they were leaving to tell me to start dinner. Little did they know it was already done, waiting in the crockpot for their arrival ! I told her the good news and she started yelling and was excited that she knew before her dad! Can you imagine the excitement come December? Annie's response was, "Ya, ya, ya, Merry Christmas" within earshot of the phone and Bobby but the grin on her face lit up the whole house for hours!
Just a warning Bobby, she's hiding empty wrapping paper tubes!
So as I am studying and preparing for the start of school I'm hearing Christmas carols playing in my mind.
Merry Christmas!


Blogger Bobby Wales said...

I'm glad I could make your day. You may be sick of me by the time we leave though.

9:59 PM  

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