Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Thoughts from a Golden

Okay cousin Carina, I heard alot about your blog diary and the human they call "Mom" left the computer running so I thought I'd sneak in and give it a try. You are a couple months older than I so perhaps you have some answers. I asked the older golden, Sunshine, but she just sighed and said, "You have a lot to learn pup". So here goes,

I don't understand humans. They tell me I'm adorable, they teach me to 'come', they praise me when I do and give me cookies and hugs. One of my favorite things, maybe even better than cookies is when the "Mom" human scratches in that certain place on my chest. So today she's bent over, on her knees on the ground. She looked so sad. I mean she was tearing all the beautiful green stuff out of the ground. She had to have been upset because she waited for a long time until all that white stuff left the ground for the green stuff to show up and now she was pulling it up. I really don't understand humans. Anyway, I didn't want her sad so I ran over to her and tried to give her a big wet kiss but she yelled at me! "Okay", I thought, "I need to put on the cuteness". I flopped down and started squirming around, digging in with my paws and looking at her with the most adorable golden eyes imaginable. She still yelled. Then MY human, Annie, came running. "Oh," I thought, "She is going to make 'Mom' see how cute I am." I was shocked that she grabbed that thing they keep around my neck and hauled me off telling me "no, no, no"!

Sometimes this bathroom thing confuses me too. If I try to go inside they get mad and throw me out. "Okay", I think, "I've got it, go outside". Then I trot out the door to the long green stuff with the pretty smelling colorful things on them to ' go' figuring they don't like the smell and the pretty things will cover it and they start yelling at me to go! I mean, I'm trying to go!

So cousin Carina, can you in your 8 months of wisdom help me?



Blogger Bobby Wales said...

Dear Yoshi,
When are you coming to visit? There is a big lake near here we could go swimming in, I could introduce you to all the neighborhood dogs, and you could even share my backyard with me. It would be a blast. Hope to see you soon!

5:27 PM  

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