Monday, April 10, 2006

It is definitely a Monday morning! BUT it is sunny, the birds are singing AND last night I heard a 'pre peeper insect'! This means spring peepers will follow soon! Peepers are such a milestone in Maine. It means that mud will soon be gone and warmer weather will be here. We try to forget what comes with warmer weather!
Chorazon (the new horse) is doing great. He has a birthday coming up. It is May 7th! Uncle Dan, if you're reading this, to farmers it is an honor to have an animal born on your birthday! I'm sure Lianna will always remember your birthday - even if she doesn't remember mine!
The girls are very eager to begin their school day ----- yeh, right! Didn't I just say it was mild temperatures and the sun is shining? They want to be outside! Soon though the school year will be over and freedom will reign! They do like school but days like this even I don't want to be in here!
Both girls are dealing with colds. 'A' is trying to get over one and 'L' is fighting not to let her sniffles graduate into a full fledged cold like her sister's.
Have a blessed day.


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