Friday, April 07, 2006

Now I know I'm nuts!
Okay, a few blogs ago I asked, "What am I? Nuts?!?!?!" to which my wonderful (haha) son sent me an email saying that I was!) Now I know, not because he said so but because somehow we've added another critter to our family. Not the cute adorable puppy but something larger. Another horse! (of course) I wanted a buffalo to raise for the freezer and I end up with another horse! Except for the joy on the kids faces and moments of relaxation what good is a horse? WHY do we do these things? L's current horse put in a rough winter. We mentioned to someone that we wondered how long he would be able to keep up to his owner who, as his ability is decreasing with age, hers is increasing. Next thing I know we're looking at a horse she heard about. It was a super blessing type deal. The woman paid alot for the horse but wanted to find just the right person for him. She has decided to give him to L. He will be arriving today.
Mud season abounds. I read a description of April in Maine that made me chuckle. Why do I look so forward to spring with this description is beyond me. "When the days are longer but nothing is green, everything is muddy, a snowstorm is still a threat and the blackflies are just around the corner." I guess we all look even further ahead to the most awesome summers in the country! It is just so hard to keep the floors even relatively clean.
Hubby and my brother are going to be in the K. stream river race next week. I'm making sure our life insurance is up to date! Brother asked hubby if they should get together for a practice run and hubby said, "No! Why get wet more than once?" THAT is positive thinking.
I just heard a truck and looked out the window. With no foliage I can see the road. The truck was slugging its way up the back road and it actually looked worse than any of our dogs after a romp in the field! Even the puppy!
It is Friday as Mel said but Fridays here have become the busiest day of the week. Sewing and Flute lessons in the morning then violin lessons(the instructor comes here) then L gives 2 piano lessons and then they all play video or computer games. On top of it we're having company for dinner. I always dream of sleeping in and being lazy on Saturday morning but that doesn't seem to happen. Today the sewing and 1 flute lesson cancelled due to flu but those hours filled in really quickly. 'A' is dealing with a cold and cough and sounds really funny talking but is still energetic.


Blogger Bobby Wales said...

Sounds like fun. Seems as though we missed mud season in South Carolina . . . again. For the 6000th consecutive year. It's just beautiful spring here. Oh well.

8:38 AM  

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