Monday, April 03, 2006

It's Monday April 3, a beautiful sunny spring day. The weekend was interesting but mostly yesterday. I had to stop twice and check the date. I thought it was April 1st and not April 2nd. First Mike started the day by telling me he was going to shave his beard off! It was April 2nd and he did shave it! Secondly we stopped in at Walmart after church. Mike looked at the list and said he and Lianna would get the felt floor savers and Annie and I could get the remaining itemS. Note the 'S'? We had 6 things to find to his 1. Half way through our list we bumped into Mike and Lianna. Mike said that he couldn't find the floor savers. I suggested where they would be and he said he had already looked there. (Lianna had a questionable look on her face) I suggested another place and we parted. Annie and I found what we needed and proceeded to the front of the store and waited for them to show. Then we walked back and forth across the front looking down aisles for them. We ran into friends who chatted with us for a minute. I told them we were waiting for Mike and Lianna who were only looking for floor savers. She replied that she knew exactly where the floor savers were because she had just bought some two days ago. Then her daughter spoke up saying that she had just seen Mike and Lianna leaving the store! Annie and I grabbed a few packages of floor savers, not knowing if Mike had found them or not, and checked out. We got to the car, unloaded and drove off. I asked him if he had found them and he said that he had. I said, "oops, I did too but we can return what we don't need".
It was then that the 2nd shock of the day came, Lianna piped up and said, "You know how he found them?........ HE ASKED!!!!!!!!" I'm so glad that it wasn't a case of him driving a car and stopping to ask directions because then, for sure, I'd be hospitalized!


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