Friday, July 14, 2006

Busy lives

I try to keep a relatively calm pace at this point in life but recently things have been getting out of hand. I think it is due to the ages of the kiddos still at home. Lianna is much more involved in things. That would be things that are away from the 100 yard radius I like to travel in! Annie too, is becoming more involved in things. We have a policy that "if it isn't on the calendar, it don't happen!" (Yes, I realize that the previous quote is very poor English.)
I still try to organize and keep things relatively stress free.

I realized yesterday that busyness and confusion really is a part of the American lifestyle. We have so much to do and so many modern conveniences that it can play major mind games with us. Let me give an example here, I was talking to a wonderful person on the phone. (I know he is wonderful because he was doing dishes before going to work!) I had called him and knowing he was at home I called his landline phone and not his cell. I could hear the dishwater and he mentioned that he was doing dishes and cleaning up before leaving for work in about 5 minutes. We chatted away, him plotting to call his sister shortly after midnight this morning to wish her a happy birthday and discussed other matters when suddenly with no cutting in and out, he was gone. I tried calling back to no avail.

In a couple minutes my phone rang and it was the aforementioned wonderful person calling back. I asked what had happened thinking perhaps he dropped the phone into the dishwater when he hesitated. The hesitation was followed by a rather sheepish voice mentioning that I had called on the landline phone just before he was heading to work. Turns out that in his scurry to get to the car and head for work he forgot that his house phone would only reach about a hundred yards away! He wasn't talking on his cell phone!

Now I know that the aforementioned wonderful person may read this and think, just think, about writing and sharing some of my most embarrasing moments in retaliation for this post BUT !!! he should remember that my most embarrasing moments were when I had teens and their friends around and allowed them to have late nights and many activities. Perhaps the aforementioned wonderful person should consider having children to REALLY understand that state of mind!!! PLUS, I have more embarrassing moment stories about this previously mentioned wonderful person than he does about me!!
He is pretty wonderful! :-)

Now, onto OLDER things! Today is the 26th anniversary of my being in labor for 21 hours! Today is Melissa's birthday! She mentioned to me this morning that her job considers it a paid holiday! I suggested that they should pay me, afterall, I'm the one who worked hard to bring her into this world. Why is she getting paid? She replied, "Mom, they couldn't pay you enough to make up for that." AMEN to that!!
Happy birthday honey, we love you!


Blogger Bobby Wales said...

I think I could come up with some stories that might be worth it . . .

12:51 PM  

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