Monday, October 30, 2006

Thanksgiving Day Memories

Today my WONDERFUL Son and I got to chatting, laughing and bantering over an incident that happened years ago. He mentioned it in his recent blog entry and I commented that I needed equal time if he were to explain HIS side of the story. He suggested that I write an entry with the story from MY perspective and add other Thanksgiving Day memories. I guess that means that if you think this entry is lame you can visit his blog and tell him so OR you can comment on mine and I'll make sure he reads it!! Either way, he says I need to update my blog!
You know that time in life when, most likely, you are a fairly new wife and even newer Mom and for some reason you find yourself at home with just your WONDERFUL hubby ( now you know where my son gets it) and CHARMING children for the first time for a major holiday? For us I believe it was Thanksgiving. Now I LOVE to cook for others, it is very satisfying to me to see happy, contented faces enjoying fun, food and fellowship. I also am very sentimental. If someone I love or loved enjoyed a certain dish even if they're now deceased I'll still make it -- to remember them by.
So here I was at home making my first Thanksgiving dinner all by myself for my WONDERFUL family of 4. (at the time). I had the 20 lb turkey stuffed and roasting. Potatoes, squash, turnip, onions, peas and sweet potatoes were all cooking. The cranberry sauce, pickles, olives, home-made breads and mulled cider were all on the table. The pumpkin, squash, lemon merignue, mincemeat, cranberry, apple, blueberry, and crumb top apple pies were sitting on the counter next to the Indian pudding, grapenut pudding, bread pudding and cracker pudding. I had the table set with my very best china. I had the festive music playing and some cutesy place decorations set out. I mashed the potatoes, squash etc... and put everything on the table.
It was time. I called my precious family to the table. We all sat and put our matching cloth napkins in our laps. My husband prayed and told us that after we ate he wanted us to list things we were truly thankful for. (After the meal so it wouldn't get cold -- I was thankful for that!)
It was at that moment my WONDERFUL SON looks around at all the food and says, "If it's all the same to you could I have cheerios?"!
Now tell me, how would YOU react????? How would your WONDERFUL HUSBAND react???

I think I'll add more Thanksgiving memories between now and Thanksgiving.
I'll also be watching YOUR blog for your special memories.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

a kiss is a kiss....

Wednesday night Mike announced that Lianna and I needed to be clowns for his class object lesson on Friday night. Catch the FRIDAY night part? That meant we had Thursday and Friday to work into our schedules time to get costumes, make-up and come up with a skit that worked into his lesson theme! I do love my husband. Lianna needed to be an apathetic, bored, whiney clown and I a zany, hyper, crazy type clown. We both had a lot of work to do! Being October did make it a little easier in the remote sticks of Maine. Walmart had the make up and sponge noses very available. Our farmer neighbor needed his overalls mended and after I mended them I borrowed them for my costume. Lianna's costume and make up came out wonderful. She even had long glittery eyelashes and a wig. She played her part wonderfully, not even a smirk at her mother's antics! Our 'audience' was sitting down and when we finished I went over to Mike, put my hand on his shoulder and said, "Honey, I want to thank you for letting me serve this way." and proceeded to put a slimy clown make-up kiss on the top of his head! Now clown make-up isn't like other make up, it's thick and greasy. He immediately put his hand up and wiped his head which only smeared it across his forehead and made him look like he had been shot! He was a good sport though and was laughing as we skipped out of the room.

Even though we were asked how often we do a clown act (with the reply that this is the one and only) and told that we did an excellent job we are not planning on taking this on the road.

Saturday the weather was perfect for the youth group hike up Little Bigelow Mountain. Cool enough to make sweating a survivable activity and sunny enough to make the foliage gorgeous, or so the kids say! One younger boy was climbing into the car and said to his mom, "It was soooo beautiful!" They all seemed to have a good time. Mike is a little sore but what can you expect? Both Annie and Lianna went and loved it. Mike was a little nervous around the spots with sheer drop offs. He was afraid of some clown doing a daredevil stunt or something. Good thing he didn't have to worry about me!


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Human nature is weird

If you read my last post, even though it was rather lengthy, you will know that Annie and her Dad built a mini guillotine. My observations are that people are strange. Okay, it's a guillotine, everyone knows what that is and what it was used for right? So WHY does one look at it, put their finger in it and say, "Will this cut my finger off?" or "Will this hurt?" DUH.... even though the blade isn't very sharp and neither is is weighted it will hurt when it hits the bone. I've observed that everyone places their finger in it in such a way that their knuckle is right where the metal piece will hit! What is it about this that is so fascinating and complicated when it's really a no-brainer?
Now before you say, "You really shouldn't have made this to begin with." Think about it, this concept is right up there with a few people standing outside and it starts to rain. One brilliant person states, "it's raining" and all the others, even though they can see it raining, stick their hands out! One of my favorites is when vacuuming and you run across a thread on the carpet that won't come up. You go over it a few times before picking it up and then after checking it out drop it back on the floor, in a sense ordering the vacuum to pick it up! Yes, I'm guilty of this too.

This starts at a very young age too. Kids. Inevitably in the church nursery you have to change a diaper. You have the baby on the changing table and realize you're surrounded by toddler munchkins. You open the diaper, holding your breath, and hear "eeeewwww, gross, eewwww" .
Yes, it is rather unpleasant BUT they stay there! You don't have a choice but they can walk away.

We are a strange bunch aren't we?