Wednesday, March 14, 2007

This and That

I'm working on getting our tax stuff to the accountant so my mind is not very focused on updating but I thought I'd just post a couple items that are current in our lives.
#1. Mud season has begun
#2. Snow and ice are still here
#3. It's suppose to rain for 3 days
#4. Lianna scheduled a sledding/skating party for Saturday
#5. I need to have all my book keeping stuff cleaned up before Saturday when I have to
come up with some really creative ways to entertain youth that had planned on sledding
and skating!
#6. We're studying the Civil War
#7. How DOES Ken Burns come up with SO MUCH info and pictures about the Civil War?
#8. Why did some of us cry after watching Gettysburg? We didn't know anyone! (That
is totally tongue in cheek but we were asked that)
#9. I've only about 19.25 hours left before my ENTIRE surgery bill is paid off !!!!!!!!
#10. I have 15 Civil War era costumes to make before April 20th
#11. What am I doing wasting time posting??????