Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I'm alive!

Yup! I'm alive and doing very well thank you! From my last post until now (and still) we've been VERY busy. But now school is over, the play is but a memory, year end testing is done, books for next year are ready, gardens are pretty much caught up and summer projects are in full swing! Our "MO beach weekend has come and gone and we've even been to our favorite Maine ocean beach this week! Lobsters are us!

I also appreciate my wonderful son changing my blog so that it is easier to read! I didn't notice if he signed the 'blog designed by: my wonderful son' like he did last time.

I should have mentioned the mystery field trip we took too. We told the girls we would be going but not where! They had to guess by watching the 'geography' pass by. We took them on a camping trip to Gettysburg, PA. It was really fun and very educational. It was Mike's idea and a wonderful close to our school year and study on the Civil War. They have some summer reading on the Victorian era and some projects of the same. We've done a lot of work on a long time dream of a rose garden. It is complete with white wicker furniture and we're planning some tea parties this summer.

Both L&A are heading to camp this year for a week. Actually L is going for 2 weeks because she has been accepted as a counselor! They would have taken her for longer but we want her to have some free time too.

Now to get Bob & Mel to update!!!!!