Thursday, March 30, 2006

It all started as a joke.................
My wonderful son called this morning to tell me he found a house for us and had posted a picture of it on snapfish. I, his intelligent mom, asked many questions, some that he tactfully avoided. I sensed something and asked him if it was a joke. He chuckled and admitted that it was but that his dad would get a kick out of it. I excitedly told his younger sisters that he found us a house near to him and his beautiful wife. They were really excited and could barely contain themselves while waiting for our very slow dial-up service to connect. When the picture of the house came up I heard, "Wow, that's awesome! Do you think Dad will buy it?" and "That is a really cute house, I want to live there!" Keep in mind that this makes the house on "Little House on the Prairie" look like a mansion! I didn't notice any driveway, electric wires etc... etc... in the picture. Tonight my wonderful knight in shining armor (okay, dusty, dirty clothes) came home, saw it and said, "Tell the boy to make an offer for us! We're moving!" The ironic thing is, Bob doesn't even know if it's for sale!!!!!!!!!! He just saw it and thought he'd pull a joke!!
Watch out Mel, If he chose that house for a family of 4 (with critters) don't ask him to find you a place for 1 --- It would probably be just an outhouse!!
Now that anyone reading this sees what kind of joker my son is, you know that you don't have to believe anything crazy he says about it mom in his blog. He is the eternal joker!!!! :-) Gets it from his dad!
It was a glorious day in Maine. SIXTY-FIVE degrees!!! The sun was out, the birds singing, the brooks babbling and the mud, mudding! We took a break from school work and went for a walk with the neighbors. Although it was short it was a wonderful break. It is ONLY March so I'm not putting away the winter clothes yet. I'd feel a whole lot more confident if I would only see a robin!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

What am I? Nuts?!?!?!
We now have a new member to our household! "Yoshi" is an eight week old golden retriever puppy. She is adorable, cuddly, smart and belongs to Annie. I really needed another pet in the house. I mean, after all, it's mud season in Maine. Wouldn't one want another set of footprints bringing that mud inside? Even if they are little, cute puppy prints? Yup, I'm a sucker! When M&B were younger and they'd want something or they wanted me to load up the van with their friends and take them places they'd come to me and ask then when I'd agree they'd draw an invisible 's' on their forheads and flap their fingers and thumbs together signaling that I have 'sucker' written on my forhead in flashing neon lights.
Our pets now consist of 2 adult dogs, a puppy, two cats, a horse, 3 ducks, chickens and an aquarium with about 20 baby fish. The baby fish are a REAL joy! I mean who wouldn't enjoy watching an empty tank while these babies, which are very tiny, hide in the gravel to stay away from the big fish who AREN'T there?!? I know their instinct is strong and they heed their instincts, just like me! I mean I've learned to say "NO" !!!! (right)
Yoshi is adorable and already knows who her person is. She usually tries to make it to the door when she has to go out. She makes one of our older dogs nervous and the other jealous. Sunshine isn't impressed and has shown Yoshi what a beautiful set of teeth she has with her big smile! Today was heartwarming though. The girls were out working with Dad and Yoshi was in an outdoor pen for the first time. She was crying and trying to howl. It was pitiful. Sunshine's maternal instincts must have kicked in because she found a stick and took it to Yoshi and dropped it next to her pen. (No, I really don't think she had the intent of beating her into silence with it!) I think there is hope for a friendship here.
There is something about a puppy though.............................